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​Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Xi Chi Omega Chapter
of the Notable North Atlantic Region

Cluster III
...serving the northern Westchester County & Putnam County, New York communities since 1983.
About Us​
Welcome to Xi Chi Omega,
We are a small but mighty chapter located in the northern Westchester County region. We work together, play together and care for each other. Sisterhood is our first priority.

Our membership is comprised of over 45 plus college-trained and educated women that are not only mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and caregivers, but dynamic doctors, CEOs, educators, engineers, entrepreneurs, executives, lawyers, military officers, ministers, scientists, and other professionals that lead the way in their professions and in the community.

Every first Saturday of the month
Meeting: 11:00 a.m.
Meetings are held in-person
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