​Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Xi Chi Omega Chapter
of the Notable North Atlantic Region

Cluster III
...serving the northern Westchester County & Putnam County, New York communities since 1983.
​Chapter History

Representing the Town of Cortlandt Area, Xi Chi Omega was chartered on October 15, 1983, as the second graduate chapter in Westchester County, New York and the first graduate chapter in Putnam County. Since its chartering, this chapter has grown into a dynamic force in the Northern Westchester County and Putnam County communities.
In 1979 the Westchester/Putnam Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority emerged. They, like Alpha Kappa Alpha women of old, knew that Alpha Kappa Alpha women could provide positive role models and invaluable service to the community and that the time to do that had come.
The first project as an interest group was to create and sponsor a “Parents as Learning Partners” workshop for parents of pre-school children in Peekskill in the summer of 1980. The program was so well received that parents requested that the program continue.
On October 15, 1983 the Interest Group received it charter, thus the group became known as XI Chi Omega Chapter.
The charter members are:
Mary Andrew Anderson*, Maud Melinda Bell*, Hattie Hayes Booth*, Gina Chew, Pamela Craig, Regina Brandy Burg Crump, Wiley A. Dickerson*, Ruth Spigner Dungie, Hattie Watson Dunlap*, Myrtle Gloria Fleming*, Bessie Ford, Barbara Freeman Harris, Evelyn Holmes, Velma Garrett Lewis, Laura Laurence Mimms, Camilla Booth Peterson, June Sudderth*, Phyllistine Ross, Loretta Rhem Taylor, Lorraine Scott Ward, Jeanette Watley-Wilson, Ida Silver Wiggins and Marsha-Diane Worrell
Small in numbers, but powerful in service, Xi Chi Omega Chapter has continued to maintain the value and spirit of their Charter Members in providing excellent service to the Town of Cortlandt and surrounding Northern Westchester and Putnam County communities.
Since its chartering, Xi Chi Omega has provided “Service” to the communities of northern Westchester County and Putnam County and awarded thousands of dollars in annual scholarship to high school seniors.
The chapter is proud of its financial contributions to organizations that share common values and purpose: NAACP, AKA Educational Advancement Fund, United Negro College Fund, the National Council of Negro Women and the Urban League.
Xi Chi Omega Chapter has celebrated the achievements of over fifty African American men in the tri-state area for their contributions in the fields of religion, business, education and youth outreach.
Former Chapter Presidents

1st Chapter President
Wiley A. Dickerson
1983 - 1987

2nd Chapter President
Eloise Thomas-Jordan
1988 - 1989

3rd Chapter President
Bessie Reid Ford
1990 - 1993

5th Chapter President
Toni Matthewson
1998 - 1999

7th Chapter President
Symra Brandon
2004 - 2007

9th Chapter President
Rasheena Wilson
2010 - 2013
10th Chapter President
Cheryl Lacey
2014 - 2015

11th Chapter President
Marie-Elena Grosett
2016 - 2017

4th Chapter President
Velma G. Lewis
1994 - 1997
6th Chapter President
Linda Helm
2000 - 2003
8th Chapter President
Diane Palmer Burruss
2008 - 2009
12th Chapter President
Dolores Bacourt Ammons
2018 - 2019
AKA EAF 2015 Silver Level Award - North Atlantic Region
2015 S.T.A.R. Award (Standing Tall Among Regions)
2016 - 85th North Atlantic Regional Conference - Mentorship Graduate 2 Graduate Chapter
2016 - 67th Boule International Award - Mentorship Graduate 2 Graduate Chapter
2017 - 86th North Atlantic Regional Conference - Mentorship Graduate 2 Graduate Chapter
2018 - 87th North Atlantic Regional Conference - EAF Platinum Level Award
*Ivies Beyond the Wall
Chapter Lineage
Fall 1987 - Paulette Archer-Arrette, Arlene Bryant*, Carlos Ann Butler*, Gloria Colzart, Edna Lee cross, Mattie Lawson, Elizabeth Poinsette-Fisher, Blanche Walker*
Spring 1992 - Leota Harding, Linda Helm, Vera McCorvey*, Marian Robinson, Janet Wright*
Spring 1995 - Symra Brandon, Diana Burruss-Palmer, Jennifer Jordan, Lelia Jordan, Leola McCoy Cook*, Lori Helm-Shabazz, Doris Story-Payne*, Vicki Matthews
Spring 2000 - Rebel Jones, Mary Kimble, Cara Reid, Carolyn Winston
Spring 2001 - Lois Baker, Caron F. Cox
Spring 2002 - Deborah DeShong*, Yomi Forsh-Hamilton, Crysta Jones, Doris Louissant, Valeska Pengthieng, Sherry Davis Ward
Spring 2008 - Marie-Elena Grosett, Cheryl Lacey, Zaundra Scott, Geralda Valcin, Rasheena Wilson
Fall 2010 - Dolores Bacourt-Ammons, Shana Dixon Parker, Janice Thompson
Spring 2012 - Shantell Hamilton, Kelly Morton, Marqui Rennalls, Alysa Torres-Ricketts, Karen Wood-John
Spring 2015 - Jocelyn Aranda, Janee Bricourt, Adriane D. Carnan, Natasha A. Clare, Sabrina Coleman, Lisa Isom Eatmon, Yanique Green, Melissa Grosett,
Marsha Henderson, Celeste Hill, Ludmilar Mesidor, Nicole Miner, Tiarra Nero, Porsche' M. Peterson, Beverly Anthony Robinson, Natoshia Spruill, April Wainwright
Fall 2019 - Noel L. Acey, Lucrisha Addison-Harris, Rebekha Askew-Morris, Teresa Coaxum, Jennee Coleman-McDowell, Valya Dessaure, Olivia Francis-Webber, Tia Linder, Siobhan Malcolm, Nicole Moorer, Maria Phillips, Fabiola Riobe, Valencia Wallace, Sheryl Warren, Latesha Williams-Flynn