​Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Xi Chi Omega Chapter
of the Notable North Atlantic Region

Cluster III
...serving the northern Westchester County & Putnam County, New York communities since 1983.
West Point AKAs

West Point's AKA History
(the Pink, the Green, and the Gray)
In the Spring of 1998, 8 young ladies at the United States Military Acadmey (USMA) at West Point, NY made history by becoming the first general members of a sorority at West Point. In the beginning, a sophomore named Alisha Bryan had the interest of joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and desired more information. She contacted a local graduate chapter, Xi Chi Omega in the Peekskill/Cortlandt New York area. The graduate chapter in Peekskill/Cortlandt would come to make the 8 young lades of "The Elegant Eight" general members in the first and finest sorority made for women of color since there are no undergraduate chapters at West Point. Another integral mentor was lieutenant Colonel (Soror) Lenora Ivy, who taught them how to balance their lives at the academy and membership in the best sorority in the world.The next year, 4 young ladies emerged from the West Point ranks as Alpha Kappa Alpha women. The ladies of "The Phenomenal Four" joined the sisterhood as general members, also as a result of the direction and loving support of Xi Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Today, 30 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated military members joined the ranks of the sisterhood with the support of Xi Chi Omega Chapter. These women are the best and brightest to serve our country and are stationed throughout the US from New York to South Korea.

West Point AKA Membership
If you are currently a West Point Cadet and would like to know more information about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, please review our upcoming events on this website or our chapter Facebook page. If you are interested in learning about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority membership please note there is no undergraduate chapter at West Point. General membership is through a Graduate Chapter after Regional Director's approval. Please submit a letter of intent to Xi Chi Omega Chapter at akaxichiomega@gmail.com.
West Point area aka ivy vine
The Elegant Eight (March 29, 1998)
Jayna Bell Reichert, '00; Travene Scott Crawford, '99; Kimberly Martins Henry, '98; Njeri Colbert Haynes, '98; Erica Jeffries, '98; Donna Ingram, '99; Alisha Bryant Houston, '00;
Nicole Lee King, '99
The Phenomenal Four (May 9, 1999)
Malaika Crowe, '00; Tereh Sayles, '01; Margo Mahan, '99;
Paula Spangenberg, '99
The Five Flavors of Style (February 18, 2001)
Latosha Floyd, '03; Shani Thompson, '02; Kellee Edwards Briggs, '03; Janay Melvin Hurley, '03; Janaia Nash DeShields, '03
The Sassy Six (May 12, 2002)
Kimberly Hayes, '04; Mary Tobin, '03; Tracy Tawiah Leon, '03;
Rena Henderson-Alailima, '02; Bridgette Bell, '04; Tracey Coleman Lloyd, '03
Two D.I.V.I.N.E. (Spring 2007)
Meghan Venable-Thomas, '07; Marjana Mair Bidwell, '07
Lucky Charm (Spring 2008)
Lindsay Champion, '08
The Divine Dyarchy (November 20, 2011)
Jozlyn McCaw, '14; Ashley Anthony, '12
The Resurgen2ce (May 21, 2017)
Taylor 'Missy' Horne, '19; Aliyah Murray, ' 18
P.O.P: Purpose of Perpetuity (December 8, 2019)
Leah Turner, '20